Website Update #1
uggestions from users & fdr listeners
- Better organise geographic locations to ease searches
- On the “Contact” page, how about putting in your discord/telegram/Locals account? That’s where most of the Freedomain community hangs out, and would feel a bit more community connected and than just an email address
- Change the admin login URL to something else, I run https://freedomainplaylists.com/ which is also wordpress based and that default admin login page would get hit like crazy by bots trying to login with random credentials until i changed it to something less obvious
- Security concern about welcome email returning the user password in clear text
Current Bugs
- The “Sign In” button leads to the registration page, not a sign in page (WP theme bug)
- Logo in the menu sidebar is cut-off (WP theme bug)
- Security: Welcome email no longer returns user password in clear text
- Sidebar logo deleted (until a workaround is found)
- Contact page updated
Due thanks to
- Jared
- Yuriy
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